bgkillas / kalc

a complex numbers, 2d/3d graphing, arbitrary precision, vector/matrix, cli calculator with real-time output and support for units

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When setting variable a second time, the previous variable set is multiplied

Christopher876 opened this issue · comments

Whenever you set a variable a second time, it seems like the program is trying to execute a multiply operation on the previous set value.

~ ➜ kalc                                                                                                     08:23:45 
> 2*8
> x=2
> 16*x
> x=4
8 <-- preview result, goes away when I press enter
> x=6
24 <-- preview result, goes away when I press enter

If you press enter after x=4, the "8" preview disappears so I don't think this is what is expected. It seems like it is executing 2*4 or whatever I put for the line x=4.

yeah ill set a if statement to make sure there is no output when = sign is present when i get home