bgeVam / weasis-pacs-connector

Connect Weasis to any PACS supporting WADO

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weasis-pacs-connector provides the easiest way to launch Weasis from a web context (see URL examples below) and to connect Weasis to any PACS supporting WADO or to a WEB API.

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The master branch requires Java 8+ and a servlet container 3.1. The 6.x branch requires Java 7+ and a servlet container 2.5.

This component gathers different services:

  • /viewer launching Weasis with the patient ID, study UID... (can be configured to use a combination of UIDs or to hide some of them)
  • /IHEInvokeImageDisplay launching Weasis at Patient and Study level, compliant to the IHE IID profile
  • /viewer-applet same as /viewer but it can launch Weasis as Applet in a web page (the service returns an html page). This method is not recommended as most of browsers block Java plugin.
  • /manifest building the xml manifest (containing the necessary UIDs) consumed by Weasis to retrieve all the images by WADO requests
  • /[name of the template] (default template: /weasis.jnlp) building a jnlp file from a template (jnlp template path, jnlp properties and jnp arguments can be passed via URL parameters, see the JNLP Builder documentation)

New features in weasis-pacs-connector 7

  • Requires Java 8 and Servlet 3.1
  • Redirection for getting jnlp protocol from a http request
  • Support of Java 9

New features in weasis-pacs-connector 6.1.3

  • Enable running Weasis on Java 9
  • Getting jnlp protocol by redirection (see launching jnlp)
  • Allow the configuration of the default max memory size of Weasis
  • Add double quotes for command parameters in jnlp (requires by Weasis 2.6.0 and later)

New features in weasis-pacs-connector 6

  • Multi-PACS configuration (can be requested simultaneously or individually)
  • Allows to query the PACS through its database (not recommended)
  • Generates new manifest 2.5 (supported by Weasis 2.5)
  • Requires Java 7

New features in weasis-pacs-connector 5

  • Used weasis-dicom-tools (based on dcm4che3) for building the manifest
  • Starting Weasis and building manifest are executed in parallel (improve the time to get the images)
  • The manifest is not embedded any more by default in the jnlp, only an url with an id can be called once within 5 min. That means clicking on a jnlp a second time won't show any images (this behavior is desirable for security reasons as most browsers downloads jnlp)
  • Configure the maximum number of manifests treated simultaneous and the maximum life time of a building manifest process (5 min by default)
  • Error messages (when building the manifest) are transmitted to the viewer via the manifest
  • New context (/IHEInvokeImageDisplay) compliant to the IHE IID profile
  • Parameters at patient level defined in IID profile (mostRecentResults, lowerDateTime, upperDateTime, modalitiesInStudy) are also available in the other contexts (/viewer, /viewer-applet and /manifest)
  • Allows to have on different servers the following components: weasis-pacs-connector, PACS, Weasis, weasis-ext (additional plugins) and jnlp templates
  • Major improvement of the JNLP builder servlet (allows dynamic injection of arguments, properties and templates)
  • Option for DICOM query in TLS mode
  • Launching Weasis as an Applet in web page
  • Uploading the manifest by http POST
  • Option to embed the manifest into the jnlp

Build weasis-pacs-connector

Prerequisites: JDK 7 and Maven

  • Execute the maven command mvn clean package in the root directory of the project and get the package from /target/weasis-pacs-connector.war. Official releases can be downloaded here.

  • Use the loggerless profile for web application container which already embeds slf4j and log4j (like JBoss): mvn clean package -Ploggerless

Note: with a snapshot version, it can be necessary to build first the library weasis-dicom-tools

Launching Weasis with IHE IID profile

Launching Weasis

Note: It is allowed to have multiple UIDs for patient, study, series and instance but within the same level. The configuration file enables to set which ID is allowed and if a combination of UIDs is required. When using a combination of UIDs, the order is not relevant.

Launch Weasis as an Applet in a web browser (not recommended as most of browsers block Java plugin)
Upload the manifest via http POST
Embed the manifest into the jnlp
Open non DICOM images
Launch with specific parameters

Getting the xml manifest

Build an XML file containing the UIDs of the images which will be retrieved in Weasis. There is an XLS schema to validate the content of xml. This file can be either compressed in gzip or uncompressed. Here are examples:

JNLP Builder

See the JNLP Builder documentation


It requires a web application container like Tomcat or JBoss.

Go here and download these Weasis files.

  • From the folder with the latest version number:
    • [weasis.war] Weasis Web distribution which run with Java Web Start.
    • [weasis-ext.war] Optional package for additional plug-ins (e.g. exporting the images to build an ISO image for CD/DVD)
    • [weasis-i18n.war] Optional package for Weasis translations
  • From weasis-pacs-connector folder:
    • [weasis-pacs-connector.war] Connector between the archive and the viewer
    • [dcm4chee-web-weasis.jar] Optional package for dcm4che-web3

Configuration of weasis-pacs-connector

The default configurations works directly with dcm4che-web3. To override the configuration of weasis-pacs-connector, download and rename it This file named and must be placed in the classpath of the application:

  • In JBoss inferior to version 7, the best location would be "/server/default/conf/"
  • In JBoss 7.2 and 8.x, see here
  • In JBoss Wildfly 10, the location is wildfly/standalone/configuration
  • In Tomcat just specify the directory in shared.loader property of /conf/

To add properties or arguments in the JNLP there are two possibilities:

  1. Add parameters via the URL, see the JNLP Builder documentation (arg, prop, and src)
  2. Change the default template, see in

weasis-pacs-connector 6.1 generates new manifests and requires Weasis 2.5 and superior. However it is possible to run previous version of Weasis by modifying the

  1. Set the property manifest.version=1
  2. Uncomment the property
  3. Uncomment the property

Note: when multiple archives are configured, only the references of the first archive containing images will be incorporated in the manifest 1.0. Multiple archives can only work with Weasis 2.5.

For dcm4chee-arc-light:

  • Change the configuration of the WADO server property in pacs.wado.url=${server.base.url}/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/wado

New way to launch jnlp

An alternative way to launch Java Webstart (JWS) by changing the scheme of URL:

  • jnlp://localhost:8080/weasis-pacs-connector/viewer?patientID=9702672
  • jnlps://localhost:8443/weasis-pacs-connector/viewer?patientID=9702672 (SSL connection)

or from weasis-pacs-connector 6.1.2 by adding "getJnlpScheme" in the web context:

Advantages of jnlp protocol:

  • Works at the system level (association of a MIME type with an application: jnlp => JWS)
  • Works with most of browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera...)
  • Browsers do not download jnlp anymore. JWS reads directly the URL (do not show the popup "This application will run with unrestricted access" at every launch)
  • Works with other applications which are requesting the default system application for the jnlp protocol
  • No change is required at the client side or at the server side, only replacing the scheme of the jnlp URL is enough
  • Registration of jnlp handler is available in Oracle Java Runtime installer from JRE 8_111 and in the Java 9 installer.
    • Works out of box on Windows
    • On Mac OS X, it could be necessary to run once Java Webstart to register the jnlp handler (/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/
    • On Linux, a configuration is required
  • An implementation has be done on IcedTea-WEB (alternative of the Oracle JWS) and it will be available in the next release (1.7).

For more informations:


There are different ways to treat the security aspects. Here are some:

  • Make a proxy servlet (URL forwarding) to handle authentication and authorization you want and configure weasis-pacs-connector to be called only by the proxy server (hosts.allow=serverhostname)
  • Configure weasis-pacs-connector for UIDs encryption in the URL with a paraphrase (encrypt.key=paraphraseForIDs: just uncomment and set a new key). It works by default with dcm4chee-web3. For other web interface it requires to use the same algorithm with the same key.
  • Configure weasis-pacs-connector for accepting only limited IP/host
  • Configure weasis-pacs-connector for accepting only requests with a combination of several UIDs

Architecture of weasis-pacs-connector

weasis-pacs-connector schema

See How to launch Weasis from any environments


Connect Weasis to any PACS supporting WADO

License:Eclipse Public License 1.0


Language:Java 100.0%