beyondstorage / go-storage

A vendor-neutral storage library for Golang: Write once, run on every storage service.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool website is down causing dependabot to break

The-TT-Hacker opened this issue · comments

The documentation website and are both down which causes gitlab-dependabot to throw this error: unrecognized import path "": https fetch: Get "": dial tcp: i/o timeout

Dependabot has no way to skip this dependency as ignored dependencies are only skipped after the go mod package manager fetches all new versions.
This error also causes dependabot to exit so I have no automated dependency updates for any packages.
Can someone please fix the website or not self host it?
Great library by the way!

The domain is controlled by QingCloud, let me try to contact them to bring it back. How soon will the domain name be restored @Xuanwo How soon will the domain name be restored @Xuanwo

Sorry, I don't know the answer either. The only thing we can do is wait for QingCloud.

The last plan is to bump a new major version and switch the import path back to How soon will the domain name be restored @Xuanwo

Domain (“”) renewal process is temporarily blocked by our domain name service provider.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Now we decided to temporarily switch the website domain name to "".
When the switching work is completed, we will notify you as soon as possible.

How about just using