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`save` option has no effect in npm >=5

aduth opened this issue · comments

The implementation of the save option works by appending a --save flag if the option is provided, otherwise just calling npm install ...:

Unfortunately, this doesn't work after npm 5, which changed the default behavior of npm install to save by default:

npm will --save by default now

Thus, regardless if save option is passed as true or false or omitted altogether, it will always effect the save behavior.

Seems like a fix may just be to invert the condition for passing --no-save:

 const args = ['npm', 'install', name] 
 if ( !== true) { 
 	args.push('--no-save') = null // {delete} is very slow 


Not sure if there's backward-compatibility commitment to consider here, i.e. supporting Node < 5, where the default behavior would be different. In which case, I suppose it may be required to always pass a flag depending on the setting:

const args = ['npm', 'install', name, ? '--save' : '--no-save']

Lgtm, will resolve tomorrow