betterlockscreen / betterlockscreen

🍀 sweet looking lockscreen for linux system

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Worng password no matter what I input

victorpigmeo opened this issue · comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Operating system

Debian 12

Installation method


Betterlockscreen & Dependency-Versions

Betterlockscreen: version: v4.0.4 (dunst: true, feh: true)
i3lock-color: version 2.13.c.5 © 2010 Michael Stapelberg, © 2015 Cassandra Fox, © 2021 Raymond Li
Version: ImageMagick 7.1.1-15 Q16-HDRI x86_64 98eceff6a:20230729
Copyright: (C) 1999 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI OpenMP(4.5) 
Delegates (built-in): bzlib cairo djvu fontconfig freetype heic jng jp2 jpeg jxl lcms lqr lzma openexr pangocairo png raw rsvg tiff webp x xml zlib
Compiler: gcc (12.3)
dunst version: 1.9.2
feh version 3.6.3
Compile-time switches: curl exif verscmp xinerama 
[B] Betterlockscreen

Bug description

No matter what I type when I lock the screen, it says wrong password and I need to restart my pc to log in again. I ran with sudo once (sudo betterlockscreen -l) and it worked, but the problem is that I need to run it without sudo.

I first installed it for my user (using the install script) when I first noticed this problem, I restarted my pc and then I tried the "System-wide install" (also using the install script). Same problem. Then I ran it with sudo, and it worked, but as I said I need to run without it.

I don't know what log or info is relevant here, it is the first time I'm trying to use this software.
I already searched the web for this problem but didn't find anything related. (I may be searching wrong terms 😅 )
I'm using a vanila debian 12 with bspwm and sxhkd.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install
  2. Try to use :)

Relevant log output

No response

You have installed an old release (v4.2.0 is latest), I have verified that this currently does not happen with install-script for me:

[B]  Betterlockscreen-Setup
[=]  Checking system-requirements...
[+]  done!
[=]  Determinate latest release...
[+]  done! (v4.2.0)
[=]  Installing Betterlockscreen to '/home/sebtm/.local/bin'...
[+]  done!
[!]  Please ensure to add 'export PATH="$PATH:/home/$USER/.local/bin"' to your shell-config!
[+]  Install completed successfully!

Also running betterlockscreen as root will require you to enter the root password, there should be no need to do that - otherwise please post logs.

That's odd, I just use the install script from the README :/ thought that it would give me the latest version. anyways, I ended up using xsecurelock as it worked OOTB. We can close this issue.