bernard24 / RIS

Implementation of the approach described in the paper "Recurrent Instance Segmentation"

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inference for plants

xjoshramos opened this issue · comments

Inference for plants trained.

I am getting this output for the first plant test image. Is this correct?

This does not look correct.
Have you been training with the default launcher? For how long? What is the training error you are getting at the end (in the log)?

using the default launcher...

[======================================== 100000/100000 ==============================>] Tot: 3h32m | Step: 127ms
test: ../Data/LSCData/A1/plant042_rgb.png

==> time to learn 1 sample = 127.37543668032ms

@xjoshramos @bernard24 Hi guys, I have downloaded the Plant_Phenotyping_Datasets dataset, but I cannot find the LSCData folder. Did I download the correct dataset ? Could you provide a link ?

Thanks @xjoshramos.
The training loss error you are reporting is not as low as it should be (for seq_length=2), so I would train the model for a bit longer. You can have a look at usual training loss values, as well as typical results in this issue: #2.