berkus / shinda

Dependency manager for github repositories on c++

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a small library for work with Github repositories. Shinda will help you with your dependencies(Github only) and that's very conveniently.

All you need to do is

  • Clone shindakioku/shinda
  • Add your dependencies to shinda.json

After that, you only need to run Shinda. The library will take all the work on itself

Q: Okay, how can I build 'Shinda'? A: That's easy. You can use cmake or compiler with gcc


 git clone
 cd shinda
 cmake .


(You need to have a curl)

git clone
cd shinda
g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp github/Github.cpp reader/Json.cpp reader/Reader.cpp core/Checker.cpp core/Core.cpp core/FileSystem.cpp -o shinda -lcurl

That's all. After build, you can run Shinda as follows ./shinda

Something from me.

If you added dependency to shinda.json and this dependency also have shinda.json (shinda/shinda.json), Shinda will detect it and download all packages.

You can see shinda.json after clone this repository. It's for you, you can test how ```shinda`` is working.


Dependency manager for github repositories on c++

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 89.5%Language:CMake 10.5%