berkshelf / vagrant-berkshelf

A Vagrant plugin to add Berkshelf integration to the Chef provisioners

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FATAL: ArgumentError: You must specify at least one cookbook repo path

mconigliaro opened this issue · comments

This error pops up at the end of the initial provision after you rm -rf ~/.berkshelf (which I have to do quite frequently due to berkshelf/berkshelf#781 ):

FATAL: ArgumentError: You must specify at least one cookbook repo path

A simple workaround for now is to run vagrant reload.

@mconigliaro I would destroy the contents of ~/.berkshelf and not the directory itself. The effort for automatically re-mounting destroyed/recreated directories would be quite large and also have to happen in Vagrant itself.

We're hard at work at fixing the bug in #781. It will be fixed in Berkshelf 3.0 and is already fixed in the master branch.

OK, I'll do that from now on instead. Thanks!

Is there an eta for 3.0?

FYI, we're still seeing this issue with Berkshelf 3.1. I Haven't had time to track down what's causing it, but the workaround still seems to be to vagrant reload and vagrant provision until it starts working again.

I have this error with berkshelf 3.1.5 that came with chef-dk 0.2.1 on vagrant 1.6.4 using vagrant plugin upon initial provisioning... My approach will be to move away from the vagrant plugin and just berks vendor my cookbooks :-(

Also seeing this error, have tried reinstalling vagrant-berkshelf, reloading and provisioning with no success :(

@mconigliaro How many times do you have to vagrant reload and vagrant provision until it starts working?

@axsuul usually just once.

@mconigliaro Looks like no matter how often I do that, I still get the error :/


I am so sorry, complaining about problems on the wrong repo! -.- (Pleas ignore...)

Can you post your Vagrantfile please?

I got the error too with chefdk 0.2.2 and vagrant-berkshelf installed yesterday.
I removed ~/.vagrant.d and ~/.berkshelf, and reinstalled everything, it fixed the issue but only temporarily.
It happened again after I modified metadata.rb and/or Berskfile (and maybe other files too, like recipes...). It may be related to that... (a vagrant provision fixed it again.)

Same here, did a vagrant reload --provision and got the same error. This vagrant/chef combo installed on other machines does fine though.

A vagrant reload followed by a vagrant provision worked for me. 3.1 here.

Same problem with berks 3.1. The reload -> provision got it unstuck the first time.

May I ask how this is closed? Is it resolved in a later version? Is this plugin deprecated?.. cc @reset

@mihasya it was supposedly fixed in 3.0, but apparently not. :-(

just got the error with berks 3.2.1.
vagrant reload did work.

vagrant reload is a little bit extreme if you just wanted to vagrant provision in the first place.
After more tests it seems that removing ~/.vagrant.d/tmp is enough (bug reproduced 3-4 times, and everytime rm ~/.vagrant.d/tmp fixed the issue).

Fatal error: you must specify '--save', '--no-save' or '--vanilla'