berkshelf / vagrant-berkshelf

A Vagrant plugin to add Berkshelf integration to the Chef provisioners

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vagrant provision not working after upgrade to 4.0.3, cannot find cookbook

dkinzer opened this issue · comments

So I'm not quite sure if this a a vagrant issue or a vagrant-berkshelf issue:

berks version: 3.2.3
vagrant version: 1.7.2
vagrant-berkshelf (4.0.3)

My Vagrantfile config was working prior to updating, but now it is failing with an error that it cannot find the cookbook. When I ssh into the machine I see that my cookbook is not listed under the cookbooks folder but the files do appear in a folder called /vagrant

If I symlink the /vangrant folder to ../cookbooks/mycookbook then the provision works.

My Berksilfe is very simple:

source ""


Note the above workaround fails if shared folders are rsynced instead of mounted (like to provision an aws instance)

@sethvargo I think it may be related. But this is one step further. The folders are syncing just not quite right. This might actually be an issue with berks. Because when I look at .berksfile folder in the local machine, I see that the cookbook is not added to ~/.berkshelf/vagrant-berkshelf/shelves/berkshelf20150501-23411-1t44z7u-ezproxy-dev

@sethvargo though maybe it is an effect of applying

existing = synced_folders(@machine, cached: false)

Which I did to get past that issue.

I'm closing this because I think it might have been a local issue. Everything works fine after I deleted the old ~/.berkshelf folder and removed the berkshelf file inside .vagrant folder at the project level.