berkayalatas / movie-tracker

React Movie App

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Search Any Movie

See Latest Movies, Popular Movies and Most Rated Movies

Keep track of your Movies.

Add movie to your Watched

Add movie to your Wishlist

Movies are stored in localStorage.

  • React Hooks
  • React Routers
  • The Movie Database (TMDb) API-
  • React Bootsrap
  • Email Service (Email.js) for contact form
  • Alertify js for notifications
  • Owl Carousel (image slider )

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Installation and Setup Instructions


Clone down this repository. You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine.


npm install

To Run Test Suite:

npm test

To Start Server:

npm start

To Visit App:



React Movie App


Language:JavaScript 69.8%Language:CSS 28.0%Language:HTML 2.1%