bergben / ng2-page-transition

Simple Angular2 component to create a page transition animation on route changes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Get ugly appearance of transitioned page and then rapid fade out and slow fade in

FastAndFluid opened this issue · comments

Just installed this with Angular 2.4.5 Very simple installation but the end-results look worse than not having any animation. The new ng-outlet page appears and then gives an ugly "blink". What seems to be happening it it appears just as it would with no animation and then quickly fades to 100% opacity and then slowly fades back in again.

This should be fixed now.

Seems to have introduced a new issue that causes Webpack to fail any compilations that use it with: "ERROR in [default] \node_modules\ng2-page-transition\src\ng2-page-transition.component.d.ts:1:0
Cannot find type definition file for 'core-js'.
webpack: Failed to compile."

@FastAndFluid thanks for reporting back. Could you check if it works now with 0.2.5?

That works perfectly :-) Many thanks! Just in time for a screen capture demo of an app I have to do for a client.