bepsvpt / secure-headers

PHP Secure Headers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool still show Big red F

arshadanjum167 opened this issue · comments

Hello All,

1.I have configured as per laravel project and security headers comes in first request of website but all other request like loading js and css that does not have configred security headers.

2.Also still show Big red F for my website (
Can anyone help me ?

Thanks @bepsvpt for quick response,
Yes this website show A but does not show A .
@bepsvpt can you please tell me what is wrong with my all other js and css files which does not security headers.
Screenshot 2022-10-05 172919

Your server responds with 403 when using to check your site. One of the possible reasons is your server blocks the requests come from


okay what is perfect solution for this reason?

I saw you are using cPanel, thus, I assume you host your website by a provider. I would suggest you contact your provider to ask them to help you solve this issue.

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