benwiggy / GoldenAge

A SMuFL update to a handwritten style of music font.

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Music characters appear to be cut off from the top and bottom

tyrc94 opened this issue · comments

Using Finale 27 on Windows 10
When the font is loaded in Finale, the base of noteheads, accidentals, clefs and other music characters seem to be cut off

I also loaded the font into Wordpad to check whether it was just a Finale issue, but the problem persists.

Is this a Windows-specific issue with ascenders/descenders?

Thanks for this. I'm afraid I don't have access to a Windows machine, so I'll have to guess what the problem is.
I'll see what I can find out.

I've made a change to the bounding box values: can you see if this does anything?

No change I'm afraid

As an experiment I changed the Safe top and Safe bottom dimensions to the same as the BBox top and BBox bottom dimensions, and that seems to have resolved the problem:
Result in Finale:
The issue with those large dimensions is that text is very spaced out vertically:

Hmm. It may be that I have to split the Text and Music bits into two separate fonts after all.

Can you try the latest version? Thanks.

This fix solves the problem with all but four of the characters. The characters (by their Unicode mapping) which are cut off slightly are:

  • U+E053 (gClef8va) - the number is cut off partially
  • U+E054 (gClef15ma) - the number is cut off entirely
  • U+E24C (flag512thUp) - partial cut off from the top
  • U+E24D (flag512thDown) - partial cut off from the bottom

I think these are the only characters that have an issue.

Thanks for your efforts thus far, it is very much appreciated!

OK, I've tweaked the values a bit more, and issued a Release Version!! (Always the kiss of death. 🤣 )

Looks good to me, thanks!