bentolor / idea-cli-inspector

A little command-line tool to integrate the awesome IntelliJ IDEA code inspections in your continuous integration (CI) process using Jenkins, Bamboo, et. al.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Script looks for `` for Android Studio installations under Linux

bentolor opened this issue · comments

It turns out, that the path-based heuristics to switch between and is insufficient and does not work for non-MacOS installations.

⋊> ~ ideainspect.groovy  -i /home/ben/devel/android-studio
= IntellIJ IDEA Code Analysis Wrapper - v1.4 - @bentolor
IDEA Installation directory /home/ben/devel/android-studio/bin/ not found!
Use a IDEA_HOME environment variable or the `ideahome` property in `.ideainspect` 
or the `-i` command line option to point me to a valid IntelliJ installation

CC @ianshowell