benlesh / symbol-observable

Symbol.observable ponyfill

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Add a Rollup-compatible ES modules build

gaearon opened this issue · comments


Redux depends on this library now, which breaks ES modules build of Redux. It would be great if we could offer an ES modules build of this library in /es/ and point jsxnext:main to it.

Seems reasonable

@gaearon I just thought of something (Although I haven't looked into this yet). Recreating this with ES6 will need to be done by hand I think, because if I rewrite it in ES6, the transpiled CJS will require it to be used like require('symbol-observable').default I think. That will be a breaking change for everyone using this. :\

If you are only exporting a default. You can use this:

There were good reasons babel changed the behavior though:


You can use this:

Yeah, this is what I had in mind. I haven’t tried it though.

@jamestalmage oh, thanks, I didn't know about the plugin. I just knew the reasons babel wouldn't do it. It's probably totally safe for this project, since there's just the one export.

Thanks that worked great