benlesh / symbol-observable

Symbol.observable ponyfill

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Clarification in readme's "Making an object observable"

darcyparker opened this issue · comments


  • The guidance is good, but it should probably handle the 2 forms of subscribe(), otherwise it won't satisfy the various ObservableLike type definitions in the wild. (2 forms here: The form with callback args rather than the object with callback args is popular in many ObservableLike implementations.

Also, I thought your recent blog was very helpful. It may be worth adding it as a reference.

The only form that was ever meant to be handled was basically this:

interface Unsubscribable {
   unsubscribe(): void;

interface Observer<T> {
   next(value: T): void;
   error(err: any): void;

interface ObservableLike<T> {
   subscribe(): Unsubscribable;
   subscribe(observer: Partial<Observer<T>>): Unsubscribable;

interface ObservableInterop<T> {
   [Symbol.observable](): ObservableLike<T>;