benlesh / symbol-observable

Symbol.observable ponyfill

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

self.Symbol.for is undefined in a webextension in FF

kirlat opened this issue · comments

We're using a system-observable inside a content script of a webextension (as a dependency of the Apollo client). In the webextension, root is self so it uses a self.Symbol as a Symbol object ( Unfortunately, we've discovered that in content scripts of a webestension in Firefox (as of version 83) the self.Symbol.for is undefined, even though self.Symbol is a valid object with the for property available.

As a result, result = Symbol.for('') ( throws an unhandled error (Symbol.for is undefined) and the content script loading fails.

Even thought this probably is an issue on the Firefox side (it works in Chrome perfectly), I think it might be worth adding a check for Symbol.for before calling it. That would help to avoid the problem described above now and in the future, in various environments.

What do you think? I can create a PR if you don't mind.