benjojo / de-ip-hdmi

Convert a IP HDMI converter into a MKV stream

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Streaming to STDOUT remains empty

nikeee opened this issue · comments

We're trying to stream the output to ffplay.
However, it seems that the video stream remains empty. When piping the output to a file, the resulting file is empty, too.
Streaming to an MKV fifo works. When starting the program with -debug, there is a lot of output.

I'm not familiar with the code base, but it seems to me that videowriter remains unused when passing -mkv=false.


Lines 57 to 61 in 632f157

go DumpChanToFile(videodis, videowriter)
} else {
videowriter = os.Stdout

As a blind guess, I think the line go DumpChanToFile(videodis, videowriter) should actually be placed below the if/else block (line 61).

If this is not the problem, how can we narrow the problem down?