benjamn / ast-types

Esprima-compatible implementation of the Mozilla JS Parser API

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[Proposal] we should provide a function to build a fork with defs extracted from @babel/types

jedwards1211 opened this issue · comments

I've been thinking, sometimes Babel nodes and fields are missing from the defs in ast-types, it's naturally going to lag behind node types and fields that they add. Why not build the defs from the information in @babel/types? Here's what I have so far. Seems to work well!

import typesPlugin from 'ast-types/lib/types'
import * as t from '@babel/types'
import { mapValues } from 'lodash'
import fork from 'ast-types/fork'
import { Fork } from 'ast-types/types'
import { parse } from '@babel/parser'
import nodePathPlugin from 'ast-types/lib/node-path'

function babel(fork: Fork) {
  const types = fork.use(typesPlugin)
  const { builtInTypes, Type } = types
  const { def, or } = Type


  def('Node').field('type', builtInTypes.string)

  function tryConvertValidate(validate: any, node?: any): any {
    if (validate.type) {
      switch (validate.type) {
        case 'any':
          return {}
        case 'string':
          return builtInTypes.string
        case 'boolean':
          return builtInTypes.boolean
        case 'number':
          return builtInTypes.number
        case 'null':
          return builtInTypes.null
        case 'undefined':
          return builtInTypes.undefined
    if (validate.chainOf) {
      for (const elem of validate.chainOf) {
        const converted = tryConvertValidate(elem)
        if (converted) return converted
    if (validate.each) {
      return [convertValidate(validate.each)]
    if (validate.oneOfNodeTypes) {
      return or( string) => def(type)))
    if (validate.oneOf) {
      return node?.optional
        ? or(...validate.oneOf, null)
        : or(...validate.oneOf)
    if (validate.shapeOf) {
      return mapValues(validate.shapeOf, (value) =>
        convertValidate(value.validate, value)
    if (validate.oneOfNodeOrValueTypes) {
      return or( string) =>
          /^[A-Z]/.test(type) ? def(type) : convertValidate({ type })

  function convertValidate(validate: any, node?: any): any {
    const converted = tryConvertValidate(validate, node)
    if (!converted) {
      throw new Error(
        `couldn't determine field def for validate: ${JSON.stringify(validate)}`
    return converted

  for (const [type, fields] of Object.entries(t.NODE_FIELDS)) {
    const d = def(type)
    const aliases: string[] | undefined = (t.ALIAS_KEYS as any)[type]
    if (aliases) {
      for (const alias of aliases) {
      d.bases('Node', ...aliases)
    } else {
    for (const [field, { validate }] of Object.entries(fields)) {
      d.field(field, convertValidate(validate))

const { visit } = fork([babel])

const ast = parse(`
function test(a, b) {
  const c = a + b

visit(ast, {
  visitExpression(path) {

@jedwards1211 I think this is a great idea, and thanks for sharing concrete code!

I may be able to get this copy/pasted/tested soon, but I would also be happy to take a PR if you have the time.

@benjamn okay great! I think I should check first with the Babel maintainers if the way I'm inspecting the validate field is intended to be public API. If not I'll ask them to commit to making that metadata public API in some other way.

Just FYI, should be considered the most up-to-date implementation of this approach, not the code example in OP