Benjaminxreid / zenoss5-core-autodeploy

Zenoss 5 Core / Resource Manager 5 - install Zenoss easily by auto-deployment script

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Install Zenoss 5 Core/Resource Manager 5

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If you want to discover all new features of Zenoss 5, than please use It will provision brand new Zenoss 5 Core instance for testing/developement in ⌚ 10 minutes. Provisioned instance has 8CPU, 30GB RAM and lot of SSD filespace. You will have full access to Control Center/OpenTSDB/HBase/RabbitMQ. No deployment, no config, no DNS configuration. It's just click and play service.

Auto-deployment script for Zenoss 5 on CentOS 7.x / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x / Ubuntu 14. A 64-bit build is required.

The script included in this directory will automatically install Zenoss 5 Core / Resource Manager 5 and Control Center for you. Usage of auto-deployment script:

# cd /tmp
# curl -O
# chmod +x
# ./

The script will take several minutes (around 15-30) to complete. When done, you should be able to visit Control Center in a web browser to start Zenoss 5 application. Easy Zenoss installation.

Zenoss 5 Core - Start of installation

Script requires mounted filesystems:


Or you can pass a block device for automatic formatting and mounting of required filesystem(s). Confirmation is needed before formatting. Available options:

# ./ -d </var/lib/docker block device> -s </opt/serviced/var block device>
 -v </opt/serviced/var/volumes block device> -b </opt/serviced/var/backups block device>

# ./ -d /dev/sdb1 -s /dev/sdb2 -v /dev/sdc1 -b /dev/sdd1

For advandced users only (you must be familiar with documentation, so you will be able identify some script warnings/errors, which can be ignored):

# # install Zenoss 5 Core host
# ./ -h '<MASTER IP>'

# # install Resource Manager 5 master, it will fail if your Docker hub account doesn't have access to private Zenoss repositories

# # install Resource Manager 5 host, it will fail if your Docker hub account doesn't have access to private Zenoss repositories

# # install Resource Manager 5 master + pull Service Impact Docker image, it will fail if your Docker hub account doesn't have access to private Zenoss repositories
# ./ -r resmgr -i impact -u <DOCKER HUB USERNAME> -e <DOCKER HUB EMAIL> -p '<DOCKER HUB PASSWORD>'


See [full installation log] ( of autodeployement on AWS EC2 spot test instance.

[root@ip-172-31-8-243 tmp]# ./  -d /dev/xvdb1 -s /dev/xvdb2 -v /dev/xvdc1 -b /dev/xvdc2
Autodeploy script 2015-03-07 for Control Center master host and Zenoss 5 Core
Install guide:
Min number of available CPUs: 4
Min size of available RAM:    20GB
These filesystems must be mounted with correct type and size:
Filesystem                  Type        Min size
/                           xfs         30GB
/var/lib/docker             btrfs       30GB
/opt/serviced/var           xfs         30GB
/opt/serviced/var/volumes   btrfs       1GB
/opt/serviced/var/backups   btrfs       1GB
0 Preparing /var/lib/docker filesystem - device: /dev/xvdb1
/dev/xvdb1 will be formated to btrfs. All current data on /dev/xvdb1 will be lost and /etc/fstab will be updated. Do you want to continue (y/n)?
mkfs -t btrfs -f --nodiscard /dev/xvdb1
Detected a SSD, turning off metadata duplication.  Mkfs with -m dup if you want to force metadata duplication.

WARNING! - see before using

Turning ON incompat feature 'extref': increased hardlink limit per file to 65536
fs created label (null) on /dev/xvdb1
        nodesize 16384 leafsize 16384 sectorsize 4096 size 39.00GiB
Btrfs v3.12
sed -i -e "\|^/dev/xvdb1|d" /etc/fstab
echo "/dev/xvdb1 /var/lib/docker btrfs rw,noatime,nodatacow 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
mount /var/lib/docker
0 Preparing /opt/serviced/var filesystem - device: /dev/xvdb2
/dev/xvdb2 will be formated to xfs. All current data on /dev/xvdb2 will be lost and /etc/fstab will be updated. Do you want to continue (y/n)?
mkfs -t xfs -f /dev/xvdb2
meta-data=/dev/xvdb2             isize=256    agcount=4, agsize=2358560 blks
         =                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1
         =                       crc=0
data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=9434240, imaxpct=25
         =                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks
naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=0
log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=4606, version=2
         =                       sectsz=512   sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
sed -i -e "\|^/dev/xvdb2|d" /etc/fstab
echo "/dev/xvdb2 /opt/serviced/var xfs rw,noatime 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
mount /opt/serviced/var


Start of autodeployement: Zenoss 5 Core - start of autodeployement Part of autodeployement: Zenoss 5 Core - part of autodeployement Host stat in Control Center: Zenoss 5 Cor - host stat in Control Center Zenoss Core 5 application overview in Control Center: Zenoss 5 Core - app overview in Control Center 4 instances of MariaDB in Control Center: Zenoss 5 Core - 4 instances of MariaDB in Control Center htop of running Zenoss Core 5 with 0 monitored devices: Zenoss 5 Core - htop of running Zenoss 5 Core


If you have any problems, please ask Zenoss community (IRC/forum/Github issue
tracker) for help and provide full output ( from auto-deploy script
and journalctl -u systemd -f (RHEL/Centos) / tailf /var/log/upstart/serviced.log (Ubuntu) command please. Or follow manual installation guide.


Devops Monitoring zExpert, who loves monitoring systems, which start with letter Z. Those are Zabbix and Zenoss. [LinkedIn] (


Zenoss 5 Core / Resource Manager 5 - install Zenoss easily by auto-deployment script

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 100.0%