BenjaminWilson13 / practice-for-week-14-react-functional-components-props

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Practice: Functional Components And Passing Props

In this practice you will create a functional component and pass props from a parent component to a child component.


Click the Download Project button at the bottom of this page to go to the starter repo, then load the repo into CodeSandbox.

Create a functional component

Create a functional component called BaseStats in your src folder. It should have a div with a class of base-stats and an h1 with the text "BaseStats". Import the BaseStats.css file into your component.

Add the BaseStats component to your App component, placing it below the Showcase component. (Don't forget to import it!) Test it in the browser.

Create an object literal inside your App component called baseStats. It should look like this:

const baseStats = {
  hp: 45,
  attack: 49,
  defense: 49,
  spAttack: 65,
  spDef: 65,
  speed: 45,

Pass this object to the BaseStats component using stats as the prop name. In your BaseStats component, bring in props as the argument to the functional component.

In your sandbox browser, go to the browser DevTools and open the React DevTools. Click on the BaseStats component. Under props, you should see your stats props object look something like this (the numbers may differ):


Use props object in the child component

Now you are ready to use your props object.

In BaseStats.js, create a table beneath your h1 tag. It should have four table rows, each with two table data tags. The first table data tag of each table row should contain the header for each stat (Hit Points, Attack, Defense, and Speed).

The second table data tag of each table row should contain the corresponding variable you destructured from props. Your code should look something like this:

      <td>Hit Points</td>

The next goal is to make your code more concise and practice the DRY principle. In the argument for the BaseStats functional component, destructure the variables from the props object. Refactor your JSX to reflect these variables. You should only call the variables hp, attack, defense, and speed in your JSX.

Remember: you can destructure a nested object.

Pass a function as a prop

There are times where you may want to pass a function as a prop. By doing this, you will be passing a reference to the function in the parent component which may then have some functionality.

In your App component, beneath your baseStats object, create a function called handleClick.

Place this code inside the function:

  `Special Stats\n\tSpecial Attack: ${baseStats.spAttack}\n\tSpecial Defense: ${baseStats.spDef}`

Now pass the handleClick function as a prop called clicker to the BaseStats component.

In your BaseStats component, destructure the clicker prop in your function component argument.

Next, above your table, create a button with the text "Check Special Stats". Give it a class of sp-stats. Pass an onClick event listener to the button element and assign it the clicker function prop.

Remember, an event listener in React is camelCased--onClick instead of onclick--and it takes a function as its assignment.

Notice that when the button is clicked, it triggers the handleClick function in the parent component.

What you have learned

Congratulations! In this practice you have learned how to

  1. Pass values as props from parent to child
  2. Check props using React DevTools
  3. Add prop values to a child component
  4. Destructure props to remain DRY
  5. Pass a function as a prop
  6. Use an onClick event listener



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