benjaminmayo / merchantkit

A modern In-App Purchases management framework for iOS.

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Support for macOS

tcurdt opened this issue · comments

It seems like StoreKit behaves the same (or very similar) on macOS.
Any thoughts on adding macOS support?

Oh, I just found


Is it official supported now?

macOS support is kinda-sorta work-in-progress. I need to configure the testing suites and stuff. I don't think there should be any major codebase changes required. Hopefully, I'll have a chance to finish the work soon.

I just pushed to master a new stab at making a macOS test target. However, Xcode complains and doesn't build. It appears to be building the iOS test target when I am trying to test with a 'My Mac' device. Any ideas how to configure it so when I press Test it only runs the tests appropriate for the current platform?

It's been a while since I had a setup like that - but shouldn't that be doable with two separate schemes?

I was trying to avoid having multiple schemes but I couldn't find another way so I just bit the bullet and did it, master now has MerchantKit-iOS and MerchantKit-macOS schemes. Got everything building now, but there are five failing tests so evidently StoreKit has some minor behavioural differences that I need to pin down.

macOS support is live with 89b1f0f.

Thanks Benjamin for this very helpful library.

FYI I had to make a couple of minor changes to get it to compile with macOS 10.13 compatibility.

In Purchase.swift Line 42: @available(iOS 11.2, macOS 10.13.2, *)
In ProductInterfaceController.swift Line 318: if #available(iOS 11.2, macOS 10.13.2, *) {

There are probably a few more availability changes required in the TestSuite to get that to build and run under an older macOS too.