benjamin-white-dsk / estimate-currency-form

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Estimate Currency Form


The purpose of this project is to allow users to enter a donation amount in USD and then see what this would equate to in GBP, with the live conversion rate being supplied by a remote service.

The project was scaffolded using create-react-app as a quick way to have bundling and transpilation available. Additionally if the requirements grew and for example persisting values in a database was needed, SSG or client side routing then there would be a simple route to this by integrating with create-next-app

Tests were written using React Testing Library (part of Testing Library ↗) and Jest DOM Matchers

The User Stories

Given the Amount text field has been entered to 50
When the Calculate button is pressed
Then Estimate text field should be updated to 35.97, which is calculated based on the live currency rate from the api

When the Estimate text field is updated to a value with more than 2 decimal fields
Then it should be rounded to 2 decimal fields

To Run Locally

git clone
cd estimate-currency-form
npm i
npm run start

After running the above commands localhost:3000 should be open in your default browser and the project viewable there.

To run the test suite use npm run test in the project's root directory.


I would extract the handleSubmit function from inside the EstimateDonation component into a more generic fetch helper or React hook. This would make it reusable and easier to test (albiet the methodology of React Testing Library might be to discourage testing this directly instead favouring to test the UI effect).

Styles could get out of hand pretty quickly so if the project grew or with more time I would setup SASS transpilation and/or use a CSS utility library to minimise CSS bloat.

With more time I would improve the tests. I feel coverage is fairly good, though in for example Card.test.js there is a danger of having vacuous tests. As tests are not a day to day activity for me at the moment I feel the depth and accuracy of them could be improved.

Future Features

As an enhancement I would add dropdown selects to the currency form's from and to values so they could be defined by the user thereby increasing the overall utility of the EstimateDonation component.



Language:JavaScript 61.2%Language:CSS 28.2%Language:HTML 10.5%