-Prerequisites to run this application:
- Install Node
- To ensure node is install properly, type the following in your Command Prompt/Terminal:
node -v
- Download Ganache. This will be your personal blockchain.
- Download the Truffle Framework. This will help you develop, test and deploy your smart contract. Type the following in your Command Prompt/Terminal:
npm install -g truffle@5.0.2
- Download the Metamask extension for Chrome.It allows you to run Ethereum dApps right in your browser without running a full Ethereum node.
- Clone this project and change the directory to where the project is stored. Type the following in your Command Prompt/Terminal: npm install. This will install all the required dependencies.
- To use Ganache, open the Ganache application -> New Workspace -> Add an appropriate workspace name -> Click on Add project -> Locate the cloned project and click on the truffle-config.js file -> Save Workspace
- To set up Metamask, click on the fox icon in the extension tab of your Chrome browser -> Create an account -> Click on Custom RPC for the Networks list -> Set Network Name to Private Network -> Set New RPC Url to HTTP:// -> Once this network is selected, click on Import Account from the Account Icon -> Paste the private key of the first account of Ganache
-To compile the smart contract, type the following in your Command Prompt/Terminal: truffle compile
-To migrate your smart contract so that it connects to ganache, type the following in your Command Prompt/Terminal: truffle migrate
-To run the test cases of your smart contract, type the following in your Command Prompt/Terminal: truffle test
-To run the project, type the following in your Command Prompt/Terminal: npm run dev
-Acknowledgement: 👍 @dappuniversity