benelot / minemonics

(Alpha Stage, work in progress) An open-source 3D virtual creature evolution simulator built in OGRE rendering engine in C++ to experiment with emergent gait-periodicity in evolved creatures on unknown terrain.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MathGL plot horribly slows down simulation (FPS drop ~80-100)

benelot opened this issue · comments

There seems to be a minor bottleneck in the plotting part of MathGL (dropping ~20 FPS) and a major bottleneck in the copying to texture part of Ogre and CEGUI (dropping ~100 FPS!). Revise the section again on the ogre forum and hopefully fix it. This does not have high priority since the plots can be hidden and are then not rendered and when they are shown, the simulator is not meant to be highly performant (generally I look at creatures and the appropriate plot while they are moving slowly).