bencoveney / barrelsby

Automatic TypeScript barrels (index.ts files) for your entire code base

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Adding a --check flag for ci

adamgen opened this issue · comments



Barrelsby should be used solely while developing, thus compiled barrels should be present while creating PRs.


To validate this process, add a --check flag that will not output to the filesystem. Instead, it will compare the desired outputs with the current file system and exit with a non-zero code if there is such a difference. Desirable with some details about which files weren't added during the development phase.


As a walkaround, I'm running this in my CI to check if there are changed files after running barrelsby.

barrelsby && git diff --exit-code

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Inspired by the integration-tests script I think that a simple implementation for it would be to:

  1. Make a simple run with modified index names. Let's say .barrelsby-index.check.ts.
  2. Compare these new .barrelsby-index.check.ts with the ordinary index.ts while ignoring whitespaces.
  3. Prompt the user if the check passed successfully or not.
  4. Delete the .barrelsby-index.check.ts files.

@BitForger, @bencoveney does this sound like a bad idea?


Sorry, as you can tell we've both been pretty busy with the personal lives.

My idea for implementation would probably be to walk through and do everything up until the point of creating the file and just compare the contents of the existing file with the string we created in memory. If it matches we exit 0 and if not we exit 1 with the differences if that isn't too hard to do.

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