ben-biddington / apple

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Setting up your source calendar

Calendar must not be set to "Share only my free/busy information (Hide details)"

See: Calendar Details > Sharing Settings.

We must fetch the public/full version of the calendar, which is not available when the "Share only my free/busy information (Hide details)" box is checked. We need this version because it has extra nodes.

We need to full version in order to get the event times, and getTimes returns nothing from a basic calendar.


  <category scheme="" term=""/>
  <title type="text">Example busy days for single month</title>
  <content type="text"/>
  <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" title="alternate"/>
  <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/>
    <gd:feedLink href=""/>
  <gd:eventStatus value=""/>
  <gd:where valueString=""/>
  <gd:who email="" rel="" valueString="[TEST] Split Apple Rock availability"/>
  <gd:when endTime="2012-01-01" startTime="2011-12-28"/>
  <gd:transparency value=""/>
  <gCal:anyoneCanAddSelf value="false"/>
  <gCal:guestsCanInviteOthers value="true"/>
  <gCal:guestsCanModify value="false"/>
  <gCal:guestsCanSeeGuests value="true"/>
  <gCal:sequence value="6"/>
  <gCal:uid value=""/>


  <category scheme="" term=""/>
  <title type="html">busy</title>
  <summary type="html">When: Wed 28 Dec 2011 to Sat 31 Dec 2011&amp;nbsp;&lt;br&gt;</summary>
  <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="" title="alternate"/>
  <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href=""/>
    <name>[TEST] Split Apple Rock availability</name>

(So the times are not returned unless you do ask for public/full)

An event must be public, and you must set it to busy for it to show.


Run rake deploy to deploy the differences between the current and and the revision specified in VERSION.

Run rake changes to print the list of changes.

Note: the deployment system only includes files in the public_html/ directory. Note: deployment is via FTP and requires you to provide your credentials in a yaml file called .ftp in the root directory. Use .ftp.example as a template.


To find out what methods a javscript object has, for example all its getters: var anyObject = "xxx";

for (var prop in anyObject) {
  if (prop.indexOf("get") != -1) console.log(prop);



Language:JavaScript 47.8%Language:Ruby 27.7%Language:HTML 13.0%Language:CSS 11.6%