Bellaktris / vim

My .nvimrc (but should still be vim compatible) configuration file. I use vim for python (usually python3) and c++ mainly, and also for html, css, JavaScript and LaTeX programming.

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The Ultimate vimrc

My .nvimrc (but should still be vim compatible) configuration file. I use vim for python (usually python3), c++, html, css, JavaScript and LaTeX programming.

... ...

Table of Contents


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev cmake git libboost-all-dev
git clone --depth=1 ~/.ultimate-vim

sudo apt-get install mono-complete gocode exuberant-ctags clang
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm libclang-dev silversearcher-ag enca par
sudo python3 ~/.ultimate-vim/

python3 ~/.ultimate-vim/

Change apt-get to your package manager or compile from sources.


Neovim is a vim fork that seeks to aggressively refactor Vim. Right now, you can get true color support, pure control key mapping (ctrl, alt, meta, etc.), and embedded terminal multiplexing. You can also use asynchrounous plugins based on neovim asynchronous API. In ubuntu you can install neovim using apt-get:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install neovim

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/vi vi /usr/bin/nvim 60
sudo update-alternatives --config vi
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/vim vim /usr/bin/nvim 60
sudo update-alternatives --config vim
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/editor editor /usr/bin/nvim 60
sudo update-alternatives --config editor


Windows support is broken now, but you can still try.

Startup time

Plugins are loaded on demand, so you should not feel any significant delay comparing to the raw vim installation.


Mappings and commands

You will have many benefits just on the fly, but there are some that you need to know about. Though, the actual vim way is, of course, configuring everything for your specific needs.

File system navigation

<leader>cp (normal mode)
    open fzf windows (best for switching files of one single project)
<leader>nt (normal mode)
    toggle right-side file navigation panel
<leader>cd (normal mode)
    change current dir to the dir of the file edited
<leader>te (normal mode)
    print :tabedit <path to current file>

<leader>ag (normal mode)
    print ":Ag" , Ag is grep for code searching,
<leader>gv (visual mode)
    print :Ag <selection>

Tabs, windows, buffers

Ctrl-j, Ctrl-k, Ctrl-l, Ctrl-h (normal or insert modes)
    common mapping for moves between windows

Visual mode

Ctrl-n, Ctrl-p, Ctrl-x (normal or visual modes)
    add virtual cursor for the word under cursor, delete virtual cursor,
    or skip virtual cursor

Quick scripting

    open default stdin file in a new tab
:stdin filename
    open filename in a new tab and redirect stdin
    switch C++ compile mode to release
    switch C++ compile mode to debug
    open default cc or cpp compiler flags

    open default args file
:stdargs filename
    open filename in a new tab and redirect args
    toggle synchrounous/asynchrounous building

    switch code/header

<leader>xx (normal mode)
    run script (or single cpp file) in the current buffer
    (may require shebang) using stdin file and command line
    arguments from stdargs and show its output in a separate window

Code navigation

<leader>tb (normal mode)
    toggle right-side current-file tags navigation panel

Code editing

    change the word under cursor to upper, snake, mixed or camel cases

Spell checking

<leader>ss (normal mode)
    turn on spell checking
<leader>sn (normal mode)
    next spell error
<leader>sp (normal mode)
    previous spell error
<leader>sa (normal mode)
    append word under cursor to spell dictionary

Motions and modificators

i (normal or visual mode)
    same and lower indent modifier
I (normal or visual mode)
    same indent modifier
j (normal or visual mode)
    closest braces modifier
s (normal or visual mode)
    substitute over the followind modificator
s (normal or visual mode)
    surround modificator
ga<'=',':','|','&','.',',',' '>
    aligning around chosen character (also works in visual mode as a command)
    range of lines modifier


<leader>va (normal mode)
    select all
Shift-d (normal mode)
    split current line on the cursor position
Ctrl-y (insert mode)


<leader>za (normal mode)
    toggle foldenable

<leader>cc (normal mode)
    toggle colorcolumn


    write with sudo

*, # (normal mode)
    highlight word under cursor

Shift-s<''', '"', '<', '(', '[', '{', ')', ']', '}', '>'> (visual mode)
    wrap selection with open bracket, quote or tag that follow Shift-s

<leader>sh (normal mode, neovim only)
    open shell right panel
<leader>ip (normal mode, neovim only)
    open /bin/ptipython right panel

Installed plugins

  • Plug (fast plugin manager)
  • Repeat (dot repetition for multiple complex actions)
  • Textobj-user (allow simple definition of vim text objects)
  • Textobj-indent (indent text objects)
  • Textobj-brace (any brace text objects)
  • Vim-wordmotion (allow word separation with underscores and capital letters)
  • Easy Motion (allow motions like with chrome vim extension, but not mapped)
  • Easy-operator line (text object for line selection)
  • Sneak (enhanced f-search)
  • Easyclip (paste without yanking and substitute action)
  • Cmdalias (command abbreviations do not affect search mode)
  • ViewDoc (better help pages)
  • Dispatch (asynchronous make)
  • YouCompleteMe (just beautiful autocompletion)
  • Jedi-vim (python autocompletion, I only use function signature helper)
  • YCM generator (generates project specific configuration for YouCompleteMe)
  • Startify (nice-looking welcome screen with most recently used files)
  • Colour-sampler-pack (color scheme pack)
  • Css-color (color definition highliting)
  • Vim-polyglot (colors for almost every language)
  • JavaScript-libraries (syntax highlighting for JavaScript libraries)
  • Qmake-syntax (syntax highlighting for qmake project files)
  • Google (google c++ code style settings)
  • Airline (nice-looking bottom line)
  • Bexec (fast script execution)
  • Nerdtree (file navigation panel)
  • Nerdtree-git-plugin (git status marks)
  • Tagbar (panel for navigation over single code file)
  • Grepper (search for the string inside git repository or just current directory)
  • Fzf (fuzzy file searcher inside git repository or just current directory)
  • A (code/header switcher)
  • Fugitive (vim git interface)
  • Gitv (vim gitv interface)
  • Vimtex (latex related settings and commands)
  • Multiple-cursors (vim implementation of sublime text multiple cursors)
  • Surround (surround text object)
  • Easy Align (aligning around charater or regular expression)
  • Commentary (comment action)
  • Abolish (morfology aware substituions and converting between variable under cursor name styles)
  • Ultisnips (powerful shortcuts for common code pieces)
  • Syntastic (on the fly static analysis)
  • SudoEdit (allow read and write files with protecting permissions)
  • TrailerTrash (highlight and remove on save unwanted trailing spaces)
  • Autoformat (autoformat file command)
  • Local vimrc (allow per project vimrc files)


My .nvimrc (but should still be vim compatible) configuration file. I use vim for python (usually python3) and c++ mainly, and also for html, css, JavaScript and LaTeX programming.



Language:Vim Script 86.5%Language:Python 13.5%