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Minor bug: In Pyo Server window (wxPython v4.2) if Interpreter input has focus and then clicking on buttons

Bibiko opened this issue · comments

In Pyo Server window (wxPython v4.2) if Interpreter input has focus and then clicking on any buttons (Start, Stop, ...) the buttons' state and label are overlapped. If Interpreter input looses the focus the buttons are redrawn correctly. I'm on macOS 13.1 (arm).

This can be fixed in > class ServerGUI(wx.Frame) (at least for macOS).

Instead of initialising panel by
panel = BasePanel(self)

do it the default way
panel = wx.Panel(self, id=wx.ID_ANY, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL)

without setting back/foregroundcolours since with wx 4.2 it's done automatically (at least on macOS).

The issue is, I think, if BackGroundStyle is set to CUSTOM one has to bind wx.EVT_PAINT to a function which draws the panel's background.

Fix is in git.