beekeeper-studio / beekeeper-studio

Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more. Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

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Ways to contribute, without coding, in just 5-10 minutes

rathboma opened this issue · comments

Thank you for supporting Beekeeper Studio! 🎉

Plenty of you wonderful people have asked how to help but don't know how to code in Vue and Electron.

Fear not! There are lots of things you can do to help the project

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The more people that use the app - the better it will get.

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If you see something, say something (about bugs)! Please file an issue on this GitHub repository. No quirk is too small for a report. We care about the details.

Make our documentation better

Did you learn how to do something cool in Beekeeper but it wasn't obvious on first try? You can contribute to our documentation!

While our 'finished' docs are hosted on, the code is right here in this repository -- it's just regular old markdown files.

If you speak another language other than English, you could also open a pull request with a translation for the file, or one of the files in the documentation. If you don't know where to put it, that's fine, we'll help figure it out once it is written.

The ability to view store procedures and what the code looks like

i love it, yet it isnt has a lot of features, if beekeeper studio can equal to dbeaver or even more, it can be the rissing stars, im already love the UI

Thanks! That's the plan.

@rathboma can i copy part of your ideas into our repo with cc? It looks so helpful for literally any opensource project!

Sure! No attribution required but a thank you link back is always appreciated :-)

Hello guys! I'm using this in my tutorial on how to connect in mysql using ubuntu wsl. I liked the UI and also I code using Vue and Laravel in my project. Cheers for this 👍 🍺

Check it out guys! Thank you.

Do you have any plans to translate your documentation on other languages? Maybe, I can help your team to translate some guides for Beekeeper on Russian.

That would be amazing! I am not able to translate myself, but the docs use VuePress, so it's pretty easy to create translations:

Basically you create a new subdirectory with the translated docs in them.

@rathboma in which branch I can create subdir and push translated docs?

Not sure how used you are too GitHub, but you can 'fork' the repo to your own account and use any branch you like. Then open a pull request when you're ready

@rathboma I guess he meant "Which destination branch should i choose while creating the PR".
As the most Repositories dont instantly merge into the master, which is the case on this repository.
So the answer would be "master" (i hope so).

Yes! Master on this repo!

, the code is right here in this repository -- it's just regular old markdown files.

please update the documentation repo URL

, the code is right here in this repository -- it's just regular old markdown files.

please update the documentation repo URL

As stated by @Rajeeban-A above, /docs no longer exists on master, so the link results in a 404.

Please make it so that, whenever we apply a change to the db or commit a query, the refresh is automatic. Not having to disconnect from the database (example postgresql) if you're dropping tables or a database would be nice. Having to refresh the DB or disconnect every time I make a change is a pain and, as a fledgeling programmer, I make A LOT of changes. Imagine having to disconnect or refresh manually every time.

And for the love of 1337, please make a changelog or a blog where we can track updates, see what new features you have put out.

Hey @dvasanin! If you drop or change a table you can click the little 'refresh' button next to the entities in the sidebar, but soon we'll be automatically detecting those changes.b

If you drop a database you can click the 'refresh' button next to the database dropdown to do the same thing.

Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 10 27 21 AM

Hope that helps!

In terms of change log, check out -

Also - I updated the docs link to make it correct. Sorry about that!

Are you planning to support i18n? If so, I can help with the zh-CN part

@Likenttt at some point yes, although until I can support myself full time on the project I don't think it will be the priority.

i love it, yet it isnt has a lot of features, if beekeeper studio can equal to dbeaver or even more, it can be the rissing stars, im already love the UI

I hate dbeaver. What an atrocious UI. I don't want Beekeeper to try to emulate any particular feature set. I feel it's the clean and simple approach which the authors know and love that has generated such an awesome tool already. I used to keep dbeaver installed in case I needed it as well, but I never did. Now it's gone. Beekeeper is my only install for SQL apart from the command line tools like psql. Beekeeper is not a rising star, it is my SQL sun.