bebbi / auth0-deploy

A tool for automated deployment of auth0 components

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Auth0 Deploy

A module which allows easy convention-based deployment of Auth0 components

Supported Components

Currently the module supports the following components:

  • Clients (with client grants) - Create/Update
  • Resource Servers (API) - Create/Update
  • Connections - Create/Update
  • Rules - Create/Update


npm install -g auth0-deploy

Usage (CLI)

To create components in Auth0 you must create a folder for each component, with the folder name corresponding to the component name.

Each component is grouped under a component type folder.

The following is an example structure of components:

├── clients
│   └── my-client
│       ├── config.json
│       └── grants.json
│       └── login.html
├── connections
│   └── member-idp
│       ├── config.json
│       └── login.js
├── rules
│   └── member-rule
│       ├── config.json
│       └── rule.js
└── resource-servers
    └── members
        └── config.json

Each component type has its own folder. Within this folder are folders corresponding to the names of each component of that type.

In the above example we expect the following components:

  • Client
    • my-client
  • Connection
    • member-idp
  • Resource Server
    • members
  • Rules
    • member-rule

Common Conventions

  1. The name of a component is determined by its folder name
  2. The options for the component are specified via a config.json in the components folder
    • The config.json should match the JSON body format for the component as described in the Management API
    • Each component has sensible defaults for the JSON body, properties included in config.json override the defaults

General CLI Usage

auth0-deploy <component-type> [name] [options]

component-type : Can be any of the following: resource, connection, client, rule



    -h, --help                      output usage information
    -V, --version                   output the version number
    -t, --token <token>             Auth0 Management API token
    -c, --client-id <id>            Auth0 Client ID
    -s, --client-secret <secret>    Auth0 Client Secret
    -d, --auth0-domain <domain>     Auth0 Domain
    -w, --working-dir <workingdir>  working directory for auth0 components (defaults to current working directory)

Specifying the name of the component is optional. If the name is not specified, all components under the component type's folder will be created/updated.


In order to allow the API calls to the management API to succeed you must:

  • Create a client which has grants for the appropriate scopes (see: Auth0 Deploy Cli)
    • Specify --client-id and --client-secret via cli
    • Specify Auth0 Domain for the account via --auth0-domain


  • Create a token from the Management API page with appropriate scopes
    • Specify token via cli
    • Specify Auth0 Domain for the account via --auth0-domain


The client/token used with the tool must have the following scopes:

# For Resource Servers

# For connections

# For Clients




In addition to the common conventions, creation of connection resources allows specification of custom script code.

In order for your custom scripts to be included as a part of the connection creation, you must create .js files corresponding to the custom script.

The following scripts are supported:

  • Login -> login.js
  • Create -> create.js
  • Verify -> verify.js
  • Change Password -> change_password.js
  • Delete -> delete.js
  • Get User -> get_user.js

From the above example, you can see that only the login.js custom script is specified. Any of the scripts which are specified will be added to the connection during creation.

Example config.json

  "options": {
      "hostname": ""

The above config.json specifies some configuration properties for the custom scripts to access


Change directory to components folder (ie. your folder should contain connections, clients, etc.

auth0-deploy connection --token <your-access-token> --auth0-domain <>

The above example uses the token Authorization method

Resource Servers

To create a resource server you must specify a config.json which describes the body of the resource for the management API.

Lets say we have the following directory structure:

├── resource-servers
│   └── members
│       └── config.json

An example config.json would look like:

  "identifier": "",
  "scopes": [
    {"value": "read:email"},
    {"value": "read:friends"}
  "signing_alg": "RS256"

This would create a resource named members with scopes: read:email and read:friends

auth0-deploy resource --token <your-access-token> --auth0-domain <>


Clients follow the same convention as resources except you can specify client-grants via the file grants.json and a login hosted page via login.html

This file must consist of an array of grants which conform to the grant body as per the Management API requirements. Each grant must omit the client_id property as this will be automatically filled based on the given client.

An example grants.json would look like:

    "audience": "",
    "scope": [

As you can see, the grant specifies the audience and scope, but not the client_id

auth0-deploy client --token <your-access-token> --auth0-domain <>


To create rules you must specify a rule.js file which contains your rule code. In addition to the rule.js you can also specify a config.json similar to other components.

An example config.json would look like:

  "order": 2,
  "stage": "login_success"
auth0-deploy rule --token <your-access-token> --auth0-domain <>

Environment specific overrides

You may want to have differing values for certain configuration options based on the environment you are deploying to.

For example, if we want to create a connection which contacts our own IDP server to authenticate users, you may want to specify different URIs for the IDP server for each environment.

To do so, you can add placeholders to your config.json files in the form: @@PLACEHOLDER_NAME@@

Going back to the connection example, lets look at an example config.json

Environment Specific config

  "options": {
      "hostname": "@@IDP_URI@@"

Here we have a placeholder for the value of the hostname config property. The placeholders name is IDP_URI

To specify values for this placeholder you can:

  • Export an environment variable with the name IDP_URI before executing the deploy command


  • Specify an argument --IDP_URI <uri> with the deploy command


auth0-deploy connection --token <your-access-token> --auth0-domain <> --IDP_URI

The above command will replace all instances of the placeholder IDP_URI with the given url (which may be specific to the environment)

Usage (as a node module)



A tool for automated deployment of auth0 components


Language:JavaScript 100.0%