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PHP 8.1 issue

joanhey opened this issue · comments

PHP Fatal error: $GLOBALS can only be modified using the $GLOBALS[$name] = $value syntax in /fat-free/vendor/bcosca/fatfree-core/base.php on line 2533


https://github.com/bcosca/fatfree/blob/3.7.3/lib/base.php#L2533 (it's the same here):

2533		if (PHP_SAPI=='cli-server' &&
2534			preg_match('/^'.preg_quote($base,'/').'$/',$this->hive['URI']))
2535			$this->reroute('/');

With v3.7.3
PHP message: PHP Fatal error: $GLOBALS can only be modified using the $GLOBALS[$name] = $value syntax in /fat-free/vendor/bcosca/fatfree-core/base.php on line 2538

The relevant snippet is:

if (ini_get('auto_globals_jit'))
			// Override setting

It basically tries to outsmart the lazy population of super globals, and PHP 8.1 does not allow it. See PHP 8.1: $GLOBALS variable restrictions.

I don't understand the reason behind this. PHP should seamlessly populate the super globals the first time it is retrieved, and I think it's alright to simply remove the highlighted snippet.

There are few more deprecation notices popping up (Return type of Base::offsetunset($key) should either be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetUnset(mixed $offset): void,..., etc.) due to PHP 8.1: Return types in PHP built-in class methods and deprecation notices

I have one site that uses F3, and I will be making a PR that tries to bring PHP 8.1 compatibility.

I was just about to point these issues out. I fixed them by reluncantly doing the following modifications to base.php file:



And finally, insert the attribute #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] above the following functions:

2237: offsetexists
2247: offsetset
2256: offsetget
2265: offsetunset

These changes fix the issues I've been having as far as I can tell but there could be more.

To not duplicate the efforts, @slicke has made a PR at f3-factory/fatfree-core#332 with what seems to be all of the changes.

With v3.7.3 PHP message: PHP Fatal error: $GLOBALS can only be modified using the $GLOBALS[$name] = $value syntax in /fat-free/vendor/bcosca/fatfree-core/base.php on line 2538 https://github.com/bcosca/fatfree/blob/3.7.3/lib/base.php#L2538

Same error on '3.7.3-Release' version:
PHP Fatal error: $GLOBALS can only be modified using the $GLOBALS[$name] = $value syntax in lib/base.php on line 2538

I was just about to point these issues out. I fixed them by reluncantly doing the following modifications to base.php file:

2358: Replace: $GLOBALS+=['_ENV'=>$_ENV,'_REQUEST'=>$_REQUEST];


And finally, insert the attribute #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] above the following functions:

2237: offsetexists 2247: offsetset 2256: offsetget 2265: offsetunset

These changes fix the issues I've been having as far as I can tell but there could be more.

If someone didn't know about Attributes so am I, here is a quick link:

In addition to your fixes:
Line 162:
replaced with:

My changes where merged into this PR, which I think fixes most issues :) f3-factory/fatfree-core#333

everything fixed 🤞