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imap_open() failure (WARNING level) results in script halt

MDBenson opened this issue · comments


I am trying to integrate IMAP features into an established FatFree 3.6 project and am running into a problem. Upon failure to connect, imap_open() throws a WARNING level message as below:

Internal Server Error

imap_open(): Couldn't open stream {some.server.com/imap/ssl}Mailbox

[/var/famousfour/php/web-order-2/src/vendor/bcosca/fatfree-core/base.php:2261] Base->error()

I can't see that this error is trappable using a try/catch as it's not an Exception. All my attempts to trap and report it so far have failed and my script stops on a 500 Internal Server Error genrated by FatFree's Error Handler (Base::error()). Is there any way to configure FatFree so I can handle this better? I would prefer this failed to a graceful Exception that I could trap and return to the user.

My only solution so far is to set then restore the error handler thus:

\set_error_handler(function() {
    $lastError = \imap_last_error();
    throw new Exceptions\ConnectionException("IMAP connection could not be established: " . $lastError);

$connect = \imap_open($mailbox, $username, $password, $options, $n_retries, $params);


But this is a bit clunky and also impractical as I am using a composer package (https://github.com/barbushin/php-imap) for PHP IMAP functions and editing the package files becomes a problem for future updates to the php-imap package.

When the function throws a Fatal error you cannot catch it with an expection. If it's a Notice, you can change the error_reporting to exclude notices and silence the error with an @ prefix. I found similar issues on SO about imap... maybe this helps: