bcakmakoglu / vue-flow

A highly customizable Flowchart component for Vue 3. Features seamless zoom & pan ๐Ÿ”Ž, additional components like a Minimap ๐Ÿ—บ and utilities to interact with state and graph.

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๐Ÿ› [BUG]: Build system returns errors

dalduba opened this issue ยท comments

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues and this is a new bug.

Current Behavior

Trying to run the build system of this repo

$ pnpm dev

The build system returns errors

@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: Unable to resolve@import "node_modules/@vue-flow/core/dist/style.css"from C:/Users/roman/workspace/vue-flow/examples/vite @vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: [postcss] ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'C:\Users\roman\workspace\vue-flow\examples\vite\node_modules\@vue-flow\core\dist\style.css' @vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: 5:18:16 PM [vite] Internal server error: [postcss] ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'C:\Users\roman\workspace\vue-flow\examples\vite\node_modules\@vue-flow\core\dist\style.css' @vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: Plugin: vite:css @vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: File: C:/Users/roman/workspace/vue-flow/examples/vite/index.css

$ pnpm -v

$ node -v

Expected Behavior

Successful build and open test page

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Clone the repo and cd to it
  2. npm i -g pnpm
  3. pnpm i
  4. pnpm dev

Relevant log output

pnpm dev

> @vue-flow/monorepo@0.0.0 dev C:\Users\roman\workspace\vue-flow
> pnpm build && turbo dev --filter='./packages/*' --filter=@vue-flow/examples-vite

> @vue-flow/monorepo@0.0.0 build C:\Users\roman\workspace\vue-flow
> turbo build --filter='./packages/*' --filter=!vueflow

โ”‚                                                                        โ”‚
โ”‚                   Update available v1.9.6 โ‰ซ v1.10.14                   โ”‚
โ”‚    Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/turbo/releases/tag/v1.10.14    โ”‚
โ”‚               Run "npx @turbo/codemod update" to update                โ”‚
โ”‚                                                                        โ”‚
โ”‚      Follow @turborepo for updates: https://twitter.com/turborepo      โ”‚
โ€ข Packages in scope: 
โ€ข Running build in 0 packages
โ€ข Remote caching disabled

No tasks were executed as part of this run.

 Tasks:    0 successful, 0 total
Cached:    0 cached, 0 total
  Time:    337ms

โ”‚                                                                        โ”‚
โ”‚                   Update available v1.9.6 โ‰ซ v1.10.14                   โ”‚
โ”‚    Changelog: https://github.com/vercel/turbo/releases/tag/v1.10.14    โ”‚
โ”‚               Run "npx @turbo/codemod update" to update                โ”‚
โ”‚                                                                        โ”‚
โ”‚      Follow @turborepo for updates: https://twitter.com/turborepo      โ”‚
โ€ข Packages in scope: @vue-flow/examples-vite
โ€ข Running dev in 1 packages
โ€ข Remote caching disabled
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: cache bypass, force executing b115a827b644c37e
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: > @vue-flow/examples-vite@0.0.0 dev C:\Users\roman\workspace\vue-flow\examples\vite
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: > vite --open
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: Duplicated imports "toRef", the one from "vue" has been ignored
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: Duplicated imports "toRef", the one from "vue" has been ignored
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev:   VITE v4.3.5  ready in 2014 ms
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev:   โžœ  Local:   http://localhost:5173/
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev:   โžœ  Network: use --host to expose
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: Unable to resolve `@import "node_modules/@vue-flow/core/dist/style.css"` from C:/Users/roman/workspace/vue-flow/examples/vite
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: [postcss] ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'C:\Users\roman\workspace\vue-flow\examples\vite\node_modules\@vue-flow\core\dist\style.css'
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev: 5:18:16 PM [vite] Internal server error: [postcss] ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'C:\Users\roman\workspace\vue-flow\examples\vite\node_modules\@vue-flow\core\dist\style.css'
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev:   Plugin: vite:css
@vue-flow/examples-vite:dev:   File: C:/Users/roman/workspace/vue-flow/examples/vite/index.css

Anything else?

No response

Mh... works fine for me when cloning freshly and following the instructions.
Are you sure you didn't change anything? Any issues if you run pnpm build first and then try to run pnpm dev?

Mh... works fine for me when cloning freshly and following the instructions. Are you sure you didn't change anything? Any issues if you run pnpm build first and then try to run pnpm dev?

Nothing was changed by me before build.

Tried to run in Ubuntu 22.04 under WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) and it works.
Thus the build system is not working natively on windows for me.

pnpm build output:

`pnpm build

@vue-flow/monorepo@0.0.0 build C:\Users\roman\workspace\vue-flow
turbo build --filter='./packages/*' --filter=!vueflow

โ€ข Packages in scope:
โ€ข Running build in 0 packages
โ€ข Remote caching disabled

No tasks were executed as part of this run.

Tasks: 0 successful, 0 total
Cached: 0 cached, 0 total
Time: 678ms`

Mh... okay, maybe this is a windows issue, I'll try to reproduce this on my desktop ๐Ÿ˜„