bazelbuild / rules_docker

Rules for building and handling Docker images with Bazel

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Add support for zstd compression

kurt-google opened this issue Β· comments

πŸš€ feature request

Relevant Rules

container_image and container_push


container_image currently only supports gzip xz and none. gzip and xz are known for being excruciatingly slow at decompression, and though none has quite excellent decompression speed its compression ratio leaves a lot to be desired.

Kubernetes, podman, and docker all support zstd compression so this should be an option. Popular registries like GCR also support zstd compressed images so I see no reason to not also support this for pushes (its unclear to me if the push rules respect the compression set on image rules, but that would be sufficient).

Describe the solution you'd like

Simply allowing zstd as an option would be best, allowing for options equivalent to the zstd cli would be great as well but even unique to rules_docker options would be fine (non-standard flags can be seen in places like podman/buildah/skopeo options).

Describe alternatives you've considered

I could use non-bazel tools to push images or wrap better tooling in custom build rules but that is painfully difficult to maintain and doesnt help the broader community.

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