bazel-ios / rules_ios

Bazel rules for building iOS applications and frameworks

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`ctx.attr._product_type` always being set to `apple_product_type.static_framework` in `apple_framework_packaging`

thiagohmcruz opened this issue · comments

Due to this default some bundling steps of apple_framework_packaging are running with product_type = apple_product_type.static_framework always. Even when the intent is bundling a dynamic framework (i.e. link_dynamic is True).

#741 helps with one of the steps and fixes MACH_O_TYPE in Xcode but we still rely on the hard coded value of ctx.attr._product_type in a few places:

Maybe there's more but these are the ones I've found on a first scan. Essentially, if you follow the code paths above, any step that under the hood instantiates rule_descriptor in rules_apple.

To fix this I see two paths (each with its own trade-offs):

  1. Remove ctx.attr._product_type from apple_framework_packaging
    • The problem here is that the steps above that rely on rule_descriptor and hence ctx.attr._product_type being set will break so we'll have to get the same values some other way
  2. Keep ctx.attr._product_type but conditionally instantiate apple_framework_packaging_* with different product_type values depending on link_dynamic being True/False
    • The problem here is that we'll need a rule_factory approach similar to rules_apple and instantiate two rules apple_framework_packaging_static and apple_framework_packaging_dynamic and instantiate those using the factory similar to what rules_apple does. That would break many things AFAICT, even if we use macro/alias to keep the name apple_framework_packaging and conditionally instantiate _static/_dynamic other rules/aspects/tools implemented by folks (in OSS or internally) would break due to the actual rule name changing and apple_framework_packaging not being a concrete rule anymore.

For # 2, I know our tools definitely make assumptions about apple_framework_packaging being the top-level target so if that changes we'd need to update. This is fine with me if we think thats the best approach.

Same, internally we do have tools that make assumptions on apple_framework_packaging being a thing. Same with the rules_xcodeproj integration. So if we go with 2. we need a plan to minimize breakages there.

One additional thing to consider in 1. is mimicking rules_apple code in rules_ios and use our own rule_descriptor, but that will likely imply transitively mimicking more things and further diverging from rules_apple which is not a great thing IMO.

I'd love to see some PRs that work end to end 🚢

At the EOD _product_type has always been an internal attribute so basically it's an implementation quirk and not super bad

I'd love to see some PRs that work end to end

When possible I prefer those too, but if it requires discussion/learning/alignment I think it's better to iterate on steps and solve one sub-problem at a time.

Ah interesting, I think the rule apple_framework_pacakaging needed a simple cleanup to remove it. While _product_type was internal/ unused it still led to some perceived complexity #742