batoulapps / adhan-js

High precision Islamic prayer time library for JavaScript

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[suggestion]: Add 'Imsak' Timings

AyahBot-Dev opened this issue · comments


Looks like Imsak was taken 10 minutes before Fajr time?
I do it like this:

// ...

const imsak = new Date(prayerTimes.fajr) // copy date object
imsak.setMinutes(imsak.getMinutes() - 10)

Thank you for reminding me on this. Also, maybe we need to add imsak to adjustments.

@sgtsquiggs Sorry for pinging, needed to ask if this can be on adhan-js roadmap


This isn't something we add to our adhan libraries - since Ismak is not a unique calculation and just an offset from Fajr, we expect app/site developers to implement this themselves.