A Ruby scraper which scraps List of Hollywood Actress and their Twitter Account URLs
- Make a Dictionary of Actress from the hompage { name: url }
page = agent.get('http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_film_actresses')
actress = {}
page.search('.column-width ul li a').each do |link|
#Form lookup of Name and Wiki-Link
actress[link['title']] = "http://en.wikipedia.org" + link['href']
- Iterate over the Actress Dictionary
- Visit each actress from Actress Dict Using (Parse Find Twitter) function
# Parse each actress page and get twitter url
def parse_find_twitter(actor_url, actor_name)
#open and parse page
bot = Mechanize.new
out = bot.get(actor_url)
if out.links_with(:href=> /^.+:\W+twitter.com\W[a-zA-Z0-9_\W]{1,15}$/)[0]
return [actor_name, out.links_with(:href=> /^.+:\W+twitter.com\W[a-zA-Z0-9_\W]{1,15}$/)[0].href]
return [actor_name]
- Write the output to Output.txt file