bash-lsp / bash-language-server

A language server for Bash

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Overlap with `vscode-shellcheck`

awebeer256 opened this issue · comments

Code editor

Visual Studio Code Codium




4.9.2 (extension version 1.38.0)

What steps will reproduce the bug?

  1. Install both Bash IDE and vscode-shellcheck with default settings.
  2. Open a file that both are designed to provide help with. For example, here's my .bashrc:

How often does it reproduce? Is there a required condition?

Every time.

What is the expected behavior?

(This screenshot was achieved by disabling vscode-shellcheck).

What do you see instead?

Both extensions flag problems separately, so most are duplicated.

Additional information

No response Edit: I guess the only workaround currently is to pick one of the extensions to dominate, and then whenever you find a duplicated problem, tell the other extension to permanently ignore it. You can't just tell it to ignore everything because not everything is duplicated. For example, if SC2148 applies to a file, then this extension just doesn't analyze the file at all (although maybe I should file that one as a bug). Edit edit: never mind; I was just using a really big file and I guess that means this extension automatically changed its behaviour to only analyzing on save? 🤨