basecamp / marginalia

Attach comments to ActiveRecord's SQL queries

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Marginalia comments prevents Rails 6.0 from getting index names with SQLite3

cbliard opened this issue · comments

Migrating from Rails 5.2 to Rails, and I got this error when loading schema in sqlite:

#<NoMethodError: undefined method `size' for nil:NilClass>

I understood where the issue comes from and I need help about how it can be fixed. Here are the reproducing steps and the explanation for this error.

Reproducing steps

Create a rails 6.0 app with marginalia and two migrations: one adding an expression index, the second adding another index on the same table.

rails new index_names_bug
cd index_names_bug
bundle add marginalia
rails generate model Product name:string description:text
rails generate migration AddExpressionIndexToProducts

set the content of this migration to

class AddExpressionIndexToProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    add_index :products, 'lower(name)'

then add another migration

rails generate migration AddClassicIndexToProducts

set the content to

class AddClassicIndexToProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    add_index :products, :description


rails db:migrate

to see the following error

== 20210824125823 AddExpressionIndexToProducts: migrating =====================
-- add_index(:products, "lower(name)")

   -> 16.6489s
== 20210824125823 AddExpressionIndexToProducts: migrated (16.6491s) ===========

== 20210824125906 AddClassicIndexToProducts: migrating ========================
-- add_index(:products, :description)

rake aborted!
StandardError: An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:

undefined method `size' for nil:NilClass
/app/db/migrate/20210824125906_add_classic_index_to_products.rb:3:in `change'

Caused by:
NoMethodError: undefined method `size' for nil:NilClass
/app/db/migrate/20210824125906_add_classic_index_to_products.rb:3:in `change'
Tasks: TOP => db:migrate
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

It fails at the last migration

Why does it happen?

When adding an index, activerecord checks if the index name exists and get the list of indexes defined on the table. Fetching the list of indexes is done in lib/active_record/connection_adapters/sqlite3/schema_statements.rb.

The query PRAGMA index_list(table_name) return one row per index, and each row is used to get the column name with a PRAGMA index_info(index_name). As the index is an expression index, the column name is nil.

This is handled here:

A regular expression is used to get the expression used to create the index from the SQL. The regexp is /\bON\b\s*"?(\w+?)"?\s*\((?<expressions>.+?)\)(?:\s*WHERE\b\s*(?<where>.+))?\z/i. This regexp does not match the trailing comment appended by marginalia, so expressions is set to nil, so columns is set to nil too, and some code asks for columns.size and produces the error NoMethodError: undefined method 'size' for nil:NilClass.

How to fix?

That's where I need help. Options I've seen so far:

  • use a regexp which ignores trailing comments.
    using # /\bON\b\s*"?(\w+?)"?\s*\((?<expressions>.+?)\)(?:\s*WHERE\b\s*(?<where>.+))?(?:\s\/\*.*\*\/)?\z/i =~ index_sql will work. I can issue a pull request against rails but it would not be fixed in the 6.0 branch.
  • monkey patch ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLite3::SchemaStatements#indexes with the good regexp.
    I would prefer avoiding that.
  • disable marginalia for some SQL commands.
    Is it possible?

What do you recommend here?