barzik / cywp

cypress environment builder for wordpress

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cypress-for-wordpress Test

Help you create testing environments for your WordPress plugins and themes.


  1. you must have cypress 6.7 or above
  2. you must have docker up and running on your system.


npm install --dave-save cypress-for-WordPress

Add this at the index.js file in the plugin folder.

module.exports = (on, config) => {
  return require('cypress-for-wordpress')(on, config)

this will analize the plugin configuration and will set the baseUrl. for more info see.


you can config your site by using the following configuration in your cypress.json file.


  "wordpressVersion": "latest", // WordPress version of the site.
  "wordpressPort": "8000", // On waht port the site will be expose.
  "wordpressTheme": "twentytwenty", // The theme of the site.
  "wordpressThemeVersion": "latest", // Version of the theme.
  "wordpressThemePath": "/path/to/theme", // uses localy installed theme.
  "wordpressPlugins": { // List of plugins you want to be installed on the site.
     "LocalPlugin": "./", // Relative path to localy installed plugin.
     "OtherLocalPlugin": "/path/to/plugin/LocalPlugin", // Absulute Path to localy installed plugin.
     "RemotePlugin": "1.0.0", // Version of the plugins the runner will install automatically.
     "OtherRemotePlugin": "latest" // Use the latest version available.


default latest

Sets the WordPress version on the site.


default 8000

Sets on which port the site will be expose.


default twentytwenty

Sets the theme of the site.


default latest

Sets the theme's version.


default none

Path to localy installed theme. this option enebale you to test your own theme on a vertual site.

If this config is set the plugin will create a bind between the given path and the docker container. the wordpressThemePath config weill be ignored. This path must contain a theme with the same name as mentioned at wordpressTheme


default none

Object the that contains two types of plugins.

Local Plugins

You set the local plugins by passing its path. The plugin's name must be the same as the parameter

you can use relative and absolute paths.

  "wordpressPlugins": {
    "LocalPath": "./", // To expose current project to the docker contianer.
    "otherLocalPath": "/path/to/plugin/" // this path contians otherLocalPath.php

Remote Plugins

Remote plugins are plugins that will be download from the WordPress official site, install and activate on the site.

You add remote plugins by passing the wanted version.

  "wordpressPlugins": {
    "remotePlugin": "latest", // Install the latest version available. 
    "otherRemotePlugin": "1.3.5" // Install a spesific version.


cypress environment builder for wordpress


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