barryvdh / composer-cleanup-plugin

Composer plugin for cleaning up unused files from packages.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

In normal circumstances, you shouldn't care about disk space - wrong :-)

PhilETaylor opened this issue · comments

When using docker images EVERYTHING should be done to reduce docker image size, so the statement

In normal circumstances, you shouldn't care about disk space

is actually incorrect for many of us :)

Yeah this was before the container hype ;)

I think you would be alone in thinking that containers are hype. Especially now.

I didn't mean they are a hype, just that they weren't so popular when I created this first. (Or at least, not for me)

Laravel Vapor has a maximum zipped source size of 45 MB, so size is even more important now. Unfortunately, I don't think this package is working for removing vendor cruft.

Why not?