barryvdh / composer-cleanup-plugin

Composer plugin for cleaning up unused files from packages.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Type hint warning with current Composer

mmodler opened this issue · comments

There is an ugly warning for every package when using composer update in shell:

Deprecation Notice: The callback Barryvdh\Composer\CleanupPlugin::onPostPackageUpdate declared at D:\repositories\rehab-app\vendor\barryvdh\composer-cleanup-plugin\src\CleanupPlugin.php accepts a Composer\Script\PackageEvent but post-package-update events use a Composer\Installer\PackageEvent instance. Please adjust your type hint accordingly, see in phar://D:/repositories/tools/vendor/composer/composer.phar/src/Composer/EventDispatcher/EventDispatcher.php:320

with Composer version 1.3.2 2017-01-27 18:23:41

i can confirm this with the most current stable branch of composer, 1.4.1

ps: is this project actually still being actively maintained?

Nope, but PR is accepted.

I'm thinking of actually benchmarking this against some current Laravel projects, does anyone still use this? No idea if it even still works.