barryWhiteHat / baby_jubjub_ecc

altbn128 twisted ewards curve point addion, point multiplicaion, eddsa signature verificaion and pedersen commiments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

We use the base point instead of the gnerator point

barryWhiteHat opened this issue · comments

We use the base point
("base point " , Fq(17777552123799933955779906779655732241715742912184938656739573121738514868268), Fq(2626589144620713026669568689430873010625803728049924121243784502389097019475) )

when we should use the generator point.

('geneator :', 16540640123574156134436876038791482806971768689494387082833631921987005038935, 20819045374670962167435360035096875258406992893633759881276124905556507972311)

This should be a quick fix.