barryWhiteHat / baby_jubjub_ecc

altbn128 twisted ewards curve point addion, point multiplicaion, eddsa signature verificaion and pedersen commiments

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Ed25519 private key sk is not defined

mathcrypto opened this issue · comments

In the ed25519 test example, the private string sk is used to generate the public key (see )and also the signature but its value was not defined.

I think sk is defined

Is this what you mean?

Also my general disclaimer. This is POC code. Check out
For production implementations. That have been reviewed and optimized more.

I am not sure which instance you are talking about

Both signature(m,sk,pk) and def publickey(sk) pass sk as parameter when the function is called.

Do you get an error? Sorry I am probably missing something.

Ah I tried to run test alone that's why it did not work, but when I run all tests together it works fine. Thanks

No problem. Happy to help.

I would recommend building with one of the more maintinted languges.

If you have more questions feel free to reach out here or on gitter. Also I would be intersted to hear what you are working on.

feel free to close this issue if its resolved.