baptistebriel / biggie

minimalist javascript frontend framework w/ bigwheel

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Biggie in Sub-Folder — Routing Errors

eugjlee opened this issue · comments

From a fresh clone of this repository - Just changing config.BASE to /biggie/ doesn't seem to work for me. Going through different pages, and refreshing from a specific page will give me routing errors, or telling me index.html is not found on the server.

I mananged to find a solution today with a test, Sub Directory Biggie Test but wondering should it normally work straight out of the box, or is it just my computer fucking up haha.

Hello @eugjlee,

It should indeed work from a fresh clone of this repository -- thanks for pointing out the issue.
What did you had to change in the code so it could work on your demo?


Hi @baptistebriel

These are the few steps that I made to make it working on my side.

  1. Modified the last RewriteRule on .htaccess

    RewriteRule . biggie-subdirectory/index.html [L]

  2. Route.JS


  const target_href = config.BASE.length > 1 ? config.BASE + target.getAttribute('href')  : target.getAttribute('href')

  1. Page.JS
  let id = slug(req, options)

  config.BASE.length > 1 ? id = id.replace(config.BASE.substring(1), '') : id
  1. Remove all / from HTML Links from folder Templates. ex :
  <a href="about">About</a>
  1. Add the subdirectory name to the beginning of the javascript/css file in Index.html
  <script src="/biggie-subdirectory/build/app.js"></script

This seemed to work fine with a MAMP server running, then I point browserSync in your gulp/serve.js file to a proxy such as proxy: "" to get it working with live reload. It seems okay so far on a live server as well.