bank2ynab / bank2ynab

Easily convert and import your bank's statements into YNAB. This project consolidates other conversion efforts into one universal tool.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"Done! 0 files processed."

torbengb opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Hello Niall&co! I've been away for far too long - apologies! I have tried to run this again but I have no luck. I cannot make the tool find and import my file. It's not clear what I need to change to fix this?

What did you EXPECT to happen?
When I run the BAT file, I expect it to find the CSV file and import it.

What ACTUALLY happened?
When I run the BAT file, it immediately gives this output and is done:

D:\bank2ynab>bank2ynab.bat D:\meinElba_umsaetze_AT273239500000141085_suche.csv
Done! 0 files processed.


What did you DO? (steps to reproduce)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. download a bank CSV file to D:\
  2. download the tool to D:\bank2ynab
  3. observe that bank2ynab.conf contains an entry for this CSV file name:
    [AT Raiffeisen Bank 2019 checking]
  4. create user_configuration.conf:
    Source Path = D:\
    YNAB API Access Token = i-created-a-brand-new-token
  5. install python: choco install python3
  6. install bank2ynab requirements: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  7. navigate to D:\
  8. execute bank2ynab.bat
  9. observe the tool didn't find my CSV file.

And then

  1. repeat the above with each of origin/develop, origin/master, origin/1.4.0

What's your software environment?

  • Script language: Python 3.10.2
  • Operating system: Windows 10 (brand new install)

So it doesn't find the file at all? Can you try run it from the command line instead?

To see if it's a bank-specific issue, can you try testing with one of the test-data files also?

Try navigating to the repository directory and running the bank2ynab package from the command line and see if anything is different to using the .bat file.

I have edited the entry [AT Raiffeisen Bank 2019 checking] from:
Source Filename Pattern = meinelba_umsaetze_AT[0-9]{18}_suche to
Source Filename Pattern = meinElba_umsaetze_AT273239500000141085_suche
and voilà, my file is now found.

So it seems the RegEx is wrong! And indeed it is: it's looking for "meinelba" but the bank output is now "meinElba". Damn them! 😠

I will submit an update to the conf file....

Cool! That's an easy fix.

Yeah, but hard to find. More gray hairs......