banderson / generator-flux-react

A yeoman generator for app based on Facebook's Flux/React architecture

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react-bootstrap option

ryanlitalien opened this issue · comments

Hi Ben, any thoughts of providing a react-bootstrap option? And possibly a basic example page with a few components?

yo flux:component-bootstrap BootstrapComponentName

Mr. @ryanlitalien!! That is very much on my radar. I'm looking to offer a couple different UI options:

These would all scaffold out a starter project in their own style, of course.

Maybe if you 'star' my project I'll bump this in priority :) 💸

@ryanlitalien there is basic support for React Bootstrap and Material UI frameworks in the latest published version (0.3.0). It simply loads and configures everything, but not much in terms of scaffolded UI. That will get better over time.

Thanks @banderson, appreciate the quick turnaround!