banach-space / llvm-tutor

A collection of out-of-tree LLVM passes for teaching and learning

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dynamic-cc instrumented prints nothing

YuuuuuuuuY opened this issue · comments

I'm using llvm 13.0.1
After being instrumented by dynamic-cc, running the program in lli prints nothing.
But when I run the same program in lli 15.0.0, it prints as expected.

Anybody experienced same issue?

Hey, thanks for posting this!

Could you copy and paste all your commands so that I can reproduce this?


Thanks for replying!
Here are the commands I used:

$ clang-13 -O1 -emit-llvm -c ../../inputs/input_for_cc.c -o input_for_cc.bc
$ opt-13 -enable-new-pm=0 -load ./ -legacy-dynamic-cc input_for_cc.bc -o instrumented_bin

# running it on lli-13 prints nothing
$ lli-13 ./instrumented_bin

# running it on lli 15.0.0, which is built from source code, prints the following:
$ LLVM_PROJECT_DIR/build/bin/lli ./instrumented_bin
LLVM-TUTOR: dynamic analysis results
NAME                 #N DIRECT CALLS
foo                  0         
bar                  0         
fez                  0         
main                 1

Thanks for sending this! Please try this for your first step (replace -O1 with -O0 -Xclang -disable-O0-optnone):

$ clang-13 -O0 -Xclang -disable-O0-optnone -emit-llvm -c ../../inputs/input_for_cc.c -o input_for_cc.bc

You should get a good idea of what is happening by comparing the generate file before and after the change (you will want to add -S too to get a textual form of the test file, too).

That's my bad - I need to update the README file. Sorry about it - I really appreciate you reporting this, thank you!


I tried the change and it only makes lli 15 to print something different:

LLVM-TUTOR: dynamic analysis results
NAME                 #N DIRECT CALLS
foo                  13        
bar                  2         
fez                  1         
main                 1

But lli 13 still prints nothing.

This seems to be caused by JIT. According to the release note, the default JIT engine is changed from -jit-kind=mcjit to -jit-kind=orc.

Using -jit-kind=mcjit on lli 13 prints as expected, but -jit-kind=orc prints nothing. On lli 15, both options work well. So, this is probably a bug in the ORC engine in llvm 13 which is fixed in later releases.

Ah, now I see! Great find :) Annoyingly, I did encounter this myself when bumping to LLVM 13: b2f4d7b.

So, the README needs updating :) Would you fancy creating a PR? And perhaps an end-to-end test?

Thanks for digging into this and seeing it through - that's greatly appreciated!


Oh, that's right! I didn't even think about checking the tests.

I created a PR updating the README. But DynamicCallCounterTest1.ll does the testing already. Is that the end-to-end test you're talking about?

Thanks for creating that PR!

By "end-to-end" I meant a test that consumes a C file (instead of an LLVM file), so that it needs to run clang first and only then runs a pass on the generated output. Something similar to MergeBB_exec.ll). Such test would verify both:

  • clang invocation
  • opt invocation

This would be "end-to-end" in the sense that it wouldn't skip the Clang invocation. Perhaps not the best name!

I guess that you could just update DynamicCallCounterTest1.ll to contain this run line:

; RUN: %clang -S -emit-llvm %S/../inputs/input_for_cc.c -o - \
; RUN:   | opt -load-pass-plugin %shlibdir/libDynamicCallCounter%shlibext -passes="dynamic-cc,verify" -o %t.bin
; RUN: lli --jit-kind=mcjit %t.bin | FileCheck %s

That should just work ™️ 🤞🏻 :)

I'm suggesting this as next time we will be able to use this test as a reference for people (i.e. something that definitely works as it's regularly being tested in the CI).


Thanks for the detailed explanation! I've updated the test.

Also, thanks for creating this awesome tutorial!
