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Black splashscreen in Ios 14.4

andresarezo opened this issue · comments


I'm facing an issue related splash screen running on simulators with Ios 14.4.
Looks like it's no taken SplashScreen.storyboard. The splash screen is comming black.
Captura de Pantalla 2021-03-17 a la(s) 10 53 43

Attached image.


To clarify, this issue is happening only in IPhone 12 14.4. I just tested on SE 2020 14.4 and it's working fine.

I'm having the same problem. Does the same thing happen with the real device(IPhone 12)?

For a strange reason if I am downsizing the image then it is working fine. I had a full size image of dimension 2732x2732 and it didn't work. Reducing the dimension of the same image to 2400x2400 is working fine.

I found solution

I solved it by clearing the "SplashImage.imageset" and put in original Splash Screen Image (2400 x 2400)
Then xcworkspace > images.xcassets > SplashImage
attach the splash screen image to "3x"
and rebuild app

If anyone still has issues with a black screen after changing the splash screen image to 2400x2400, try quitting and restarting the simulator. It worked for me after that.